Saturday, September 29, 2007


So, exams have started and poor relief teacher miss goldie ng, is also involved in the invigilation thingie. Worst thing is, the urge of wanting to rid my body off dirty toxins always seem to come during invigilation. Id like to attribute that to the time of day. Gawd.

For some reason, I switch into TEACHER MODE whenever I go to school. Id attribute THIS, to the recent unleashing of my inner teacher being. My eyes become smaller, I look at people using the sides of my them more, I fold my arms across my chest and uhm. speak with a LOW STERN voice. A little frown would surface every time a student asks a question. So there I was. At my first invigilation. ever. Distributing the papers while giving the don’t-you-dare-mess-with-me look to all the students. “EVERYONE TAKE 5 PIECES OF FOOLSCAP PAPER.” Click clock went my heels as I strutted down the front of the classroom, trying hard not to show that I actually am panicking cause the paper’s due to start at 8am and at 7.58am I was still distributing the foolscap papers. And then. At the 2nd last row of students. Horrors upon horrors. Insufficient foolscap papers. Helpless me, decided to loserly ask a student. “uhm. How many pieces of papers are you each supposed to get?” she shrugged. Gee thanks. “EVERYONE RETURN ME TWO PIECES EACH. EACH PERSON ONLY GETS 3 PIECES. PASS THE REST TO THE FRONT.” I spoke with a huge amount of conviction. Holy smokes. Just as I thought embarrassing moments for the morning has come to a close, I tripped over a table leg. A student stretched his arms out attempting to catch me. I know I should be thankful but seriously young man those two things I am endowed with I’m afraid, are not for grabs. Grrr. Finally at 8.03am, “OK EVERYONE CAN START YOUR PAPERS. ALL EYES ON YOUR OWN PAPERS AH.”

Gawd. Save me.

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