i was being a facebook whore over the weekend when i found THESE horrrror filled pictures!O.O
what an ideal location. to place me right behind a teacher who has the same face shape and hair as me. if not for the outfit, i swear i would have had difficulties finding my oh so cute self. THANK YOU MY DEAR FRIENDS for still being MY FRIENDS despite my shameful past.
then again look at jo. i think she should be thanking me too. HAHAHA. JO AND HER SCORPION FRINGE. her reason? rebonding hadnt been invented at that point in time. yes yes, blame it on technology.
this is us giving 张老师 a surprise birthday party in the canteen. arent we sweet. among the so many teachers that 4 hope(less) made cry, i believe this is the one time a teacher cried from happiness :) we werent that bad really. just a tad bit more mischievous than the special girls but we're really quite lovable. REALLY! *blink blink* at least we know we made an impact on our teachers' lives (whether its a good or bad one is not the point)........ RIGHT? and to set the records straight.. there were (quite a number of) teachers who loved us OKAY.
i cant help it but....of EVERYONE, i HAVE to mention one person.... MARIE BOEY LI HUEY! look at that little monkey (she called herself that upon seeing that class picture on FB so no im not mean!) at the top left hand corner of the first picture?! (she is the 2nd one from the left) and compare that with THIS PSSSSSSSTTT PIPING HOT MOMMA and her oh so good looking little offspring *smiles*
3 words: OH MY GAWD.
arent we all glad we did a pretty decent job growing up. I MISS ST NICKS! :(
谢谢校长 for letting us attend social etiquette classes. *bow*
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